
FUE Beard Transplant (Facial Hair Surgery)

Get a full facial hair transplant in just a few hours with our revolutionary FUE beard transplant, look and feel the way youā€™ve always wanted at a fraction of the price you would pay in the United States.

Facial hair transplant surgeries are done by highly experienced and certified medical professionals who have been trained in both the United States and in Mexico and which have been successfully performing beard transplants for many years.


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How is a FUE beard transplant done?

The process for doing a beard transplant is like a hair transplant, the doctor will subtract hair from a donor area, normally the back of the head, which will then be transplanted as facial hair using micro incisions at the precise locations of each patientā€™s need.

Where does the donor hair come from in a FUE beard transplant?

The facial hair for a beard transplant is usually taken from the back of the head above the neck area or its close surroundings depending on each patient needs and hair availability.

How do I know if Iā€™m eligible for FUE a beard transplant?

To find out if you are eligible for a beard transplant surgery, please answer a few medical history questions and send us a few pictures so that our medical team can review your case and determine if you are eligible or not for free. Just fill out the form here:

Is a FUE beard transplant painful?

Thereā€™s no pain felt when getting the facial hair transplant. The patient will be administered local anesthesia, to ensure thereā€™s no pain or discomfort felt throughout the process and beyond. After the transplant, it is normal to see a little bit of swelling for a few days while recovering.

How long does it take to get a FUE beard transplant?

Depending on each patientā€™s needs, the facial hair transplants usually take between 2 to 5 hours long.

How much time to recover after FUE beard transplant?

The post facial hair transplant recovery time is usually between 2 to 4 hours and a few days for the swelling to go down.

How much time off from work do I need when getting FUE beard transplant?

The day on which the procedure will be done, the patient will require one full day off their regular activities to ensure enough time for the transplant which can take up to 6 hours plus a few hours more for recovery.

Do I need a specific diet before getting FUE beard transplant?

No, thereā€™s no need for changes, the patient can continue with their normal diet.

Will I be able to shave after getting FUE beard transplant?

Yes, after the facial hair transplant is performed, the patient will be able to shave normally once the hair starts to grow naturally. There is a short period, where the patient is discouraged from shaving to ensure the follicles have enough time to grow naturally.

Fue Technique Beard Transplant 6 Hours session

Will the facial hair fall off after FUE beard transplant?

There will be a slight loss of facial hair immediately after the transplant before the long-term hair starts to grow naturally.

Will I be able to eat normally after a FUE beard transplant?

Yes, the patients can eat normally after the facial hair transplant is done. The patient might feel a bit swollen and very slight discomfort at first but only for a few hours immediately after the facial hair surgery is done.